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Shopping mall self - service terminal equipment

Shopping mall self - service terminal equipment

For more information

Self-service terminal (shopping mall self-service terminal) is through the film, pictures, text, music and other multimedia databases to form an interactive environment, which is dedicated to store information and provide all kinds of information query, print, payment and product sales and other services Information equipment.
Self-service terminal equipment (shopping mall self-service terminal equipment) mainly include: 24-hour integrated service self-help system and equipment, business hall multimedia information release and self-service inquiry system, business hall new business self-help experience equipment, business hall queuing management system, window service evaluation , LED display series of electronic equipment and system software, has been widely used in telecommunications, finance, government, transportation, medical, industrial and commercial, tax and other industries.

Shopping mall self-service terminal features:
The appearance of new, elegant, generous; appearance wear, anti-corrosion powder;
Ergonomic; compact, easy to use, easy to maintain;
Anti - riot, waterproof, dustproof, high safety performance;
Full steel frame structure; long operating life; high precision, high stability and reliability;
Shopping mall self-service terminal cost-effective, custom design, environmental adaptability.

Shopping mall self-service terminal equipment Products:





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