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Integrated touch device

Integrated touch device

Category: Other series

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Touch one machine is the touch screen, LCD screen, industrial pc unit (commonly known as the host) and one machine shell for the perfect combination, and ultimately through a power cord can be achieved touch operation of the machine, called the touch one machine. Touch the use of one machine more convenient, the user can directly use the fingers or other objects to the computer input coordinate information. It is the same as the mouse, keyboard, is an input device. It uses a lot of advantages such as rugged, fast response, space saving, easy communication and so on. Use this technology, as long as the fingers gently touch the computer screen icon or text can be achieved on the host operation, so that human-computer interaction more straightforward. This technology greatly facilitates those who do not understand the computer operation of the user.

Scope of application:
1, school, training, business, government, meeting, home
2, public security monitoring, fire monitoring, traffic control room, security monitoring, air command, military command
3, postal, airport, station, logistics, port, parking lot, car city, bus
4, hospital waiting, television, public welfare institutions, lottery inquiries, rural information interactive platform
5, wholesale mall, large stores, supermarkets, shopping district, office elevator advertising, advertising media
6, museums, libraries, exhibition halls, demonstration rooms, public places, cinemas, stage performances
7, hotels, hotels, restaurants, bars, cafes, leisure clubs, karaoke OK, Internet cafes, entertainment.

1, TV function: ALL-FHD system full HD solution, support 1920 * 1080, 32-bit true color full HD display
2, the computer function: 5,10,20,30 meters outside the Internet, you can also use the wireless keyboard and mouse, wireless Internet access
3, touch function: equipped with the world's most advanced multi-point infrared touch screen, touch no delay, responsive, all control on the screen surface to complete, any object touch, including finger and pen touch screen, control all applications, easy to achieve handwritten text , Drawing, filling and other functions, the use of smooth and stable.
4, karaoke OK function: with KTV tapping function, that is, point to sing, entertainment convenience.
5, video features: can be a video game, directly by the touch screen instead of mouse operation World of Warcraft, Google Earth, w7 games and other touch games. Can also access the handle, steering wheel, rocker, dance blanket, for racing, shooting, Landlord, World of Warcraft, Fantasy Westward Journey, the Three Kingdoms and other electronic games.
6, the meeting features: do conference speech, planning program to explain, remote video conference, electronic document plug and play, without projector, projection screen, computer, slide showcase, DVD player and other redundant equipment.
7, environmental protection whiteboard function: casually write, casually painting, without brush, and environmental protection. Pen can be written with the hand, you can easily delete, you can also save, record.
8, the projector function: "touch horizon" screen can replace the projector, play large screen display file, and the image is more clear.
9, shopping guide machine features: a shopping guide, guide function, to give customers guidance, to facilitate customers to find their own products, and with advertising and other additional features
10, electronic query function: Through the operators of a variety of electronic files, information input and editing, customers can self-service to the required information, reduce the cost of personnel inquiries.
11, the video monitoring function: the monitoring area can be security monitoring, any call out of the various areas of live video, data analysis.
12, picture-in-picture function: you can watch TV news, while you can watch the series, Internet and television synchronization, game and karaoke OK synchronization.

High-definition display, the image is clear, no glare before the glare of the problem; not affected by the external light source, the use of high-definition display, Easy to install, built-in computer; with HDMI high-definition multimedia interface.



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