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Self-service terminal printer

Self-service terminal printer

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In the process of taking the inspection report, the staff need to manually look through the name of the patient to find, different patients with different test reports need to repeatedly search, manual search is not only detrimental to protect the privacy of patients, but also inevitably errors and Slow and so on. Self-service terminal printer for hospital inspection report to print the link, the patient can brush ID card, brush card, read the bar code to complete the process of self-help to take a single process to reduce the pressure on the examination window service to ease the phenomenon of queuing.
Self-service terminal printer system and hospital HIS system networking, interface standardization, mutual interference less, easy to maintain. On the one hand can be connected with the hospital HIS database, directly from the HIS system database to obtain patient information and test data back to the database for the HIS system; the other hand, self-service terminal and HIS system, the basic information sharing of patients, the basic information on the patient changes Or supplement, while updating the business transaction data to the HIS.

The self-service terminal printer can perform the following functions:
1) patients in the self-picking machine to insert a medical card or health insurance card, self-service system to confirm the identity of effective, read the patient has issued an unprinted inspection, inspection report. Cardholders can check the test results, use the touch screen to select the need to print inspection, check the report
To print.
2) after the patient to see a doctor, in the self-service terminal printer inserted medical card or health insurance card, self-service terminal to read the card information. Confirm that the card is valid, read the patient has been out of the prescription has not yet printed, the patient uses the touch screen to select the need to print the prescription to complete the print.
3) support bank card, second generation ID card authentication, health card reader, medical card reader, inspection report, test single query, print

Self-service terminal printer Features:
● widely used in the hospital a variety of laboratory tests, reports, the cost of self-help print list;
● facilitate the patient at any time to quickly receive a variety of required reports, the cost list;
● reduce the accumulation and loss of reports, reduce the cross-infection of artificial single;
● touch screen operation, the patient at the screen prompts through a simple step to achieve self-help printing;
● support through the medical history, health insurance card, medical cards, bar code scanning to achieve self-help printing;
● Optional identification and registration module to increase the protection of the patient's privacy;
● can increase the cash settlement module, to achieve charges to play.

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